
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Artful living through design

Ever wonder why a designer room has that special look? Why a room that we design has bold choices, dramatic paint and risk factor? As designers we definitely take risks that every day people may fear to do, but our biggest weapon is the sources we use. I tell my clients all the time that I am only as good as the people I surround myself with, and the vendors I use. When I travel to Highpoint my goal is to meet with existing vendors and connect with new sources that are charming and special. These sources are not available to everyday people because they are ‘to-the-trade.’ I am sure that every industry has this, but our livelyhood depends on remarkable things that are distinct and exceptional because without them we cannot achieve extrordinary results. Sure we have many tricks up our sleeves to make your space individually yours, but it doesn’t hurt to have product that makes us look like super heros! Here are a few of my favorites from Highpoint on it’s way to our showroom.

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  1. That was VERY well said! LOVE that :) I just spent the day with my client shopping for furniture and accessories! It's exhausting, but I would do it even if I wasn't getting paid. I need to get to High Point...esp now that we moved half way across the country to NC!


  2. Love that armoire, Amanda! Have a great wknd!

  3. As per my point of view living room is the main part of our house and you have given very nice idea about living room furniture.

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