
Monday, September 20, 2010

Making life easier!

I have realized that my hectic schedule and craving desire to appear "together" has led to an epiphany; and mid life crisis. Life just needs to be easier! As Julia Roberts said in Eat, Love, Pray, " I am not asking for life to be easy, I am just asking for it to not be so hard!" This statement resonated with me. As a designer I am trying to create a beautiful lifestyle, but why does it need to be hard? 
The AB HOME Interiors new Home and lifestyle blog are expected to go live by October 1st, but to save appearances, I will tell you that reality tells me it will probably be closer to the first week of October. My goal with this new blog is nothing short of miracle. My life has always been hectic, and most likely always will be. Because I demand things to be simple,  appear effortless, but always look fabulous, my new blog will focus on all things fabulous but EASY! Life should not be difficult. There is already too much chaos in our lives. We need more bliss, and more joy and this blog will leave you feeling as if the simple things really do matter, and make life better! I want all of you to live in each moment, and to live your bliss. And it is important to me that everyone who reads this blog lives a glamourous lifestyle, in an uncomplicated elementary way. In the meantime as we get it "together" leave us your thoughts.
 What brings bliss into your life? 
How could your life be easier? 
What could you use to be more simple?


  1. Looking forward to your new blog. Your articles, designs, and resources are so inspirational!

  2. This really spoke to me - I actually started my blog as a creative outlet from a stressful (sometimes too-serious) job, but I sometimes feel I maybe just kept adding to my to-do list! ;) I love your idea of embracing instead of giving up on fun or creative outlets, just make it simpler! (and more blissful :))

  3. Like you just looked into my head and heart...I want it simple, beautiful, utilitarian...all in one or two! I want it not to clutter my space but be part of that space...I will be reading closely! xoxoxo

  4. My problem is trying to cram 2 days into one! Sound familiar? I always want everything to be perfect and organized, and that isn't going to happen in the real world.
    Look forward to seeing everything. Take your time. We will wait.
    Have nice evening, Amanda.

  5. I'm definitely looking forward to your new blog! Being creative brings me bliss. Really, i would definitely rather paint a wall instead of sleep. However, since i have a baby, getting some sleep has been high on my list(so i may have to prioritize when it comes to "painting a wall" for example). My life would be easier if i didn't challenge myself so much, and let things be sometimes. xx

  6. Someone to process the 80lbs of plums sitting in my kitchen....

  7. The new blogs sounds exciting.

    Bliss right now means being productive with limited time. I think having better organization is a must for me.

  8. I'm a perfectionist, so I make things waaay harder for myself most of the time. I pay much attention to detail as well, therefore getting caught up almost always. I care very much about everyone and everything so I pour more than 100% into everything. Long story short, I enjoy over all well thought out spaces, interiors and effort into materials. That's what makes a gorgeous space. Then when I see a picture of a perfectly designed room, with imperfect styling (like an unmade bed, un poofed pillow, stuff stacked in stylish bins...and yet it's makes design and decorating real and inspiring again. I can't wait to see what you new adventure has to offer :) XO, Kelly

  9. i would say more time in each day, but since that's not possible, i'll just say ways to make my day more efficient. i'm happy to be so busy, but there's never enough time in each day to do everything! to be honest, i'm sure a healthier lifestyle would work WONDERS for me now . . .

    hope you're well, friend!

  10. Oh such tantalizing questions. What brings bliss into my life? I dont know if I ever experience "true" bliss but certainly the laughter of my 18 mo old grandson when his grandpa tickles him. But I find daily enjoyment in a beautiful sunrise or sunset, a lovely garden, a walk through Coronado or just smelling the change of seasons. How could my life be easier? One simple answer....more free time to just sit, read, walk the beach with my husband. I long for that! I want everything to be simpler from buying a new telephone to installing a new tv to shopping for groceries to figuring out how to download pics and email them! Very provocative post and I look forward to other's answers.

  11. A chef and a driver would be helpful! Not the answer you are looking for...I know...I am tired and cranky! :) I need a lot more sleep for starters!
