
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hanukkah-dreidel, dreidel, dreidel 3 things to celebrate!

For eight nights Jews around the world celebrate the seaon of light during Hanukkah. This year allow light to prevail over darkness with bright decorations that bring in a feeling of Joy, (or "OY") with a handmade menorah, fresh new dreidels, or fun new gelt bags. Who says tradition has to be predictable?

Mantel Garland
Print this template and blow it up 150 to 200 times. Print on a good quality card stock and paint in fun colors of teal, cream, gold, and slate blue. After you paint cut your template and follow the instructions from the template to fold and glue. Thread silver cord through a large needle and string up your custom dreidels onto the mantel!

Chocolate coins are not only pretty for decorating the table but fun party favors as well. Chocolate coins inside an organza bag creates a shimmery gift that adds sparkle, and delight to your guests. Find shimmery 4 x7 organza party bags at a craft store and fill the bag up to the top and tie off with beautiful 1/4" gold ribbon, or cord.

Put your decorated coins into a beautiful tray to hand to guests, or use as part of the 
table setting on each plate.

The gifts of Hanukkah
For eight nights, the Jewish culture celebrates the season of light.  Each night of Hanukkah theres a small gift that awaits that part of the celebration. Wrapped with pretty papers, ribbons, and embellished with The Star of David, dreidels, and coins.
Cut stars from foiling metal to add shimmer. Take a stylus (found at a craft store) and gently create a beaded edge, for added fun.  Buy rubber stamps and have custom messages of good wishes made and apply them to ribbon, packages, or gift tags. Add other seasonal embellishments by buying inexpensive favors like dreidels, and gelt that can be glued directly to the packages.

Don't forget to follow us on twitter!

And become a FAN on our AB HOME facebook fanpage!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Warehouse SALE Nov 21st!

SO I am at work today rushing around preparing for this warehouse sale that is next Saturday. Once again, Im still not totally convinced that I should have to give my stuff away at ridiculous prices for the sake of MY anniversary. Isn't this suppose to be MY day? Shouldn't I be lavished in Vodka and expensive gifts like mallomars, oreos, and pinwheels to celebrate MY day? And shouldn't I be generously showered in congratulations, good wishes and bouquets of compliments? I think this whole celebration for MY day is well deserved. BUT, instead of sitting on my throne of salutes and honor, Im schlepping around in my AB HOME apron frantically trying to get everything ready for ALL of YOU!

No hard feelings, really. But sitting on my throne, vodka in hand, and pinwheels in the other sounds so much more fun, and less tiring. Do you have any idea how long it takes to vacuum a damn 3000 square foot warehouse with a shopvac?? TOO MUCH TIME!! Can someone please invent an upright industrial vacuum for a warehouse? I suppose I will just get back to tagging, dusting, and boxing; and the shopvac can shove it where the moon and stars don't shine!

A little bitter, yes. While all my friends and HUSBAND are out enjoying this beautiful 70 degree day I am stuck in this warehouse for ALL YA'LLs benefit. Good to be boss lady! SO be kind, and when you arrive next Saturday at 8AM, tell me how great everything looks, and if you want to make me feel EXTRA special you can bring me a bottle of booze and MAYBE even some cookies!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Target Tuesday.

I must say that this has been the rainiest year I can remember since living in TN. I'm already engulfed in a torrid affair with my beloved vodka, and oh so delicious oreo's. If there is any hope of me surviving this gloomy grey covered sky from lack of motivation, laziness, and sleepiness, the sun must come out. Otherwise, I am going to continue down a path of a 17 year old teenager with no direction, driving determination or enthusiasm. My biggest spurt of energy these days comes from the motivating force of walking to the fridge or the slightest chance of grabbing a cat nap. Oh those are good days! What is it about the rain and gloom that sucks all the life out of us? I really do need to invest in a comfy sofa for the office so I can slip in a quick nap or two.
(Nothing like a good old fashion CAT NAP!)

In an effort to boost my spirits, and ambition (did I ever admit to having any? I mean really, is it required or necessary to run a business...??) my target tuesday is going to be on candles. I have been lighting candles as big as a forest fire in my office and home, to TRY and kick start an ounce of inspiration and gusto into my everyday routine. Although I would rather make a trip to the fridge, and take a quick nap. In pursuit of this so called "motivation" (who really needs it anyway?) I have awakened a passionate, obsessive monster that prefers the recreation of doing NOTHING. So lets light some candles! Makes perfect sense.

I realize that there is every kind of candle known to mankind in our existence. Everything that can or could be added or subtracted has been done. The right ingredients the wrong ingredients, what ever necessary to sell that candle has been done. So why take on an industry that can easily run circles around me with precise execution? Well, it's simple really. Because I can! No good accessories line is complete without candles. And with Target as my driving force of support (they can be my motivation, ambition, enthusiastic cheerleaders) I can produce the BEST candles, at the BEST price.
My candles will burn for 80 hours or more. They will be soy based and have the best quality wax. Each candle will come with a wick trimmer to remind ALL of us that a trimmed candle is a better performing candle! They will have subtle but aromatic scents that eliminate everyday odors without knocking our socks off with over perfumed fragrances. There is nothing worse than bacon smelling freesia. And yes there are thousands of choices to choose from when selecting and buying candles. But I promise you this. These will be the prettiest, most fragrant and best quality candles you can buy for the money. So light up a candle, grab a bag of oreo's, and snuggle into your favorite Target blanket for a rainy day afternoon of movie watching.

Friday, November 6, 2009

They say it's my Birthday, whoop whoop!!

Once again Im sure you have all noticed my drunken absence....., a-hem, I mean lack of presence in the blogosphere. I was originally told that this blogging thing was a winter sport, or hobby rather. I find myself less interested in typing and more interested in gulping; it's so much more promising. I mean really, think about it, it's 30 something degrees outside, and Im wearing more clothing than an NASA astronaut headed to space. With all these layers of clothes I can barely manage to turn around or lift my arms without catapulting myself at warp speed to the ground of sludge and fall leaves. ( at least the leaves are pretty this time of year, and quite engaging. Might as well enjoy the view if Im going to be consistently stuck viewing them at microscopic distance.) So slushing down a few oreos and a sip of liquid warmth never hurt anyone.

The way I see it, if Im going to end up on the ground anyways, I feel the booze is just a better alternative as a winter sport. It keeps me warm, requires less clothing, and makes everything (even taxes, debt, and cranky customers) not seem so bad. Oh how I love the holiday season!!

Today is my birthday. So in true birthday festivity fashion I went to Costco and stocked up on my beloved booze of choice, VODKA. No need for work today. If any argument for self employment glory should stick (never mind the headache of payroll, taxes, employee bullshit, solicitors, paper work, staying late ALL the time, CUSTOMER bullshit and CLIENT bullshit) it is the shear fact that I can do what ever the hell I want with no doubt that the vodka will kick in quickly and the place could burn down with no regrets ( at least for today). Amazing little bottle of liquid courage and friend, oh how I love thee. Ha!

We at AB HOME have been in the midst of preparing for our HUGE annual warehouse sale. It is our anniversary in the grandest proportions. Why I have to give my crap away to the public for MY anniversary at stupid prices I will never know, thus, we have been knee deep in tagging inventory hell for the past three weeks. Over 700 SKU's of product slashed to ridiculous prices. Never lower. This is the time to buy, buy, buy. And at this moment, if I look at one more plate, deck of playing cards, holiday what-not, or accessory, well it just may require another slurp of my fruity vanilla liquid gold of, "AHHHH, much better."
Today my friends, it is good to be BOSS lady. It is 8am and I am still in my pj's . My intentions for the day...well no major plans. Everyday is a freaking roadmap of take care of this, make sure you do that, don't forget to call so and so, get blah, blah done before... and so on. No agenda other than:
1) write blog post so bloggyland doesn't think Im in a permanent drunken stooper under a bridge in elated bliss,
2) make turkey sandwich for lunch (with a few oreos)
3) Watch as much trash TV as humanly possible
4) MAYBE go for a walk to wash off the guilty pleasures of life, and get a little fresh air to rinse off the smell of booze, oreo crumbs and lord knows what else, before the family comes at 6 .

And not necessarily in that particular order. Yes, it's good to be BOSS lady today! Hope all of you in bloggyland have a fabulous Friday and a great weekend. Cheers!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Target Tuesday.

In honor of our make-up wearing, costumed loving Halloween merriment, I wanted to slip in a little holiday festivities for our TT today. Typically I wouldn't add Halloween to my category list of Target Tuesday must haves. But this year will be my nieces last youth, dress up to get free candy before you are an adult, Halloween. She is delighted and sad all in one big plastic pumpkin container of candy. Oh to be young again!
Halloween isn't really one of MY favorite holidays. But, I do love the magic, excitement, and anticipation it brings to young faces everywhere. I enjoy seeing the wonder, fear, and make believe pleasure it brings to young and old alike. And who doesn't love candy! IT HAS SUGAR IN IT!!!
So for my lovely niece, and her bon voyage to youth, I will design a decorative over-the-top acrylic candy container. Carved and molded into fun ghouls, princesses, and Vampires (what is halloween with out vampires?) They will be light to carry, clear so candy can be visible (you have to SEE the potential sugar count) and they will have ribbons for handles. Once the night of Halloween has wrapped up, the decorative acrylic holder can be used as a candy dish, candle holder, or a vodka mug, I mean beer mug. Candy and vodka! Who doesn't love that combo?
And I suppose for those of you are caring, involved, and conscious these delightful containers can be used to plant a tree, or shrub and give as a gift. Multi functional. Love that!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mecca for furniture buyers!

Me and Tobi Fairley at the withit breakfast
Tobi and some adoring fans

Me and Annie Selke at the Vanguard showroom

Mary Knackstedt during her educational seminar fro designers

Karim Rashid. THE best product designer out there. He designs everything from cell phones, vacuums, trash cans and furniture. Most likely, you have used a product, or own a product designed by this man!

I have returned from the glorious and infamous HIGHPOINT furniture market. It was larger than life. I could not believe how amazing it was. But most importantly I couldn't believe how many people were at HIGHPOINT!

I wandered around aimlessly trying to find my way out of the airport in my rental car on the first day. After four failed attempts and a wasted hour, I began to get frustrated. Holy Mary and Joseph bring me closer to Jesus! Finally after an hour and a half I found the holy grail, CHIPOTLE. After I consumed my yummy and delicious burrito bowl I decided to head to HIGHPOINT. I got on my shuttle to head downtown. Unsure of what I was about to see I grabbed my seat in anticipation. The shuttle driver pulled out of the depot and headed down the road. He made a left and then a right. We started driving down a residential neighborhood. The beautiful old oak tree branches slapping the bus windows. All of a sudden we made another left and the furniture mecca opened up! I couldn't believe my eyes. Furniture showrooms everywhere! Sparkly, shiny, calling out to me.

I went to several seminars and so many incredible showroom's. with celebrity designers promoting their lines everywhere. Here are a few pics of the many great people I met!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Amanda Burdge Nashville Designer headed to High Point Market

Well as if I wasn't busy enough, I am running around the house frantically trying to pack! Can the cat go in the overhead compartment? She is insistent that she goes. I guess I can shove her under the seat, but she will be disappointed to find less than perfect accommodations. She is convinced that this trip includes kitty food, kitty toys, and grandma. Well she is right about grandma!

I leave at midnight. First time in highpoint, so Im a bit nervous. Its large. Showrooms are sprawled out all over. But I will have mom, and her and I plan to hit the town (all in the name of furniture manufacturers) whoo hoo, what fun! SO I will report back, with pics of course, about all the happenings and mishaps that we encounter. Hopefully we will find all sorts of good stuff! Happy weekend to all!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Busy, busy, BEE!

Im sure all of you have been wondering where I have been. And if not, I will pretend that ya'll care because it makes me feel important. ( It is essential to my existence, without it I and my fellow designers will go extinct; it's a proven fact) To put all of you at ease, I have not been ignoring you. I have been incredibly busy. (eating oreos, brushing my hair, and watching Oprah) hehe Actually, I am participating in the Living Green in Green hills show house, of which I have one week to put together a plan, and install. The event planner, and builder of the home had another designer pull out at the last minute. So who does she call? Yep, AB HOME Interiors, AKA the don't worry, we will fix it, holy Mary and Joseph crisis, FIXERS! I have quite a knack for pulling things together in very short amounts of time. I suppose it is the combination of stupidity, lack of time to procrastinate, and pure ADRENALINE!
I am a tad worried about the overall look. Because of the lack of time I am using what I got from my own showroom. No time to think, and analyze. No time for research to come up with a killer plan, and no time to be clever. I must say I have put myself in these situations before. With fairy dust, and a little magic I pull off miracles. I believe that the finished product will be awesome. I always amaze myself once the crazy psycho in me calms down! EVERYTHING MUST BE PERFECT!!!
On top of the one week deadline for the show house I am working with my clients and their time constraints,( I currently have 35 active clients!) and we are preparing for our annual WAREHOUSE SALE!!! Over 600 skus go on sale for one day only. It is absolute madness!!! Incredible, stupid prices, on everything from dishes, accessories, lamps, holiday, gifts and more! It takes us six weeks to prepare for this event because it is so big. As if there wasnt enough crazyness to go around I am leaving for Market next Friday for over a week. I feel like an on coming train is approaching me at warp speed and instead of moving off the track to avoid harm Im just staring at the pretty light and listening to the honking horn, walking closer and closer to the explosion!
Hopefully things will slow down as we get closer to the holidays. Just know that I am around. I may not be blogging as frequently as you all may like. (I know how much you love and adore, and wait on pins and needles for my next post!) I suppose it will make each post that much sweeter. I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday, and if you would like more info on the warehouse sale send me an email and I will give you the details!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So have ya'll noticed a little lapse in my presence? Yes, yes Im fully aware. I have a laundry list of excuses. Ive been so busy clipping my toenails, washing my hair, catching up on guilty pleasures, eating doritos, and trapping raindrops on my tongue. Gotta wash those oreos down with something! As much as I love fall, it definitely plays havoc on my mood and motivation; or lack there of. I have been motivated about as much as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Ehh!

We had 23 straight days of rain. Then like church is to Sunday's the sun came, the angels were singing and I found myself frolicking in the office, and skipping through the halls. But all good things must come to an end. The frolicking turned to angry A.D.D and the angels left only to be replaced by lucifer, I mean doritos and oreos. It has been raining, drizzling, pouring blah, blah, for the last two days. I swear to holy heaven on earth if I eat any more oreos, sugar snaps, juji fruits, dots (lord have mercy they have SUGER in them) Im going to catch ADHD, with a side of no attention span, and a week long overdose in the form of a much needed nap. So this week my TT will focus on one of my favorite, favorite garments-ROBES!

Robes are toasty warm, and best of all ONE SIZE FITS ALL! Plenty of room for oreos, fruit slices, and olive garden; OH and don't forget a slice of homemade peach pie. YUM! But despite my love for the frumpy, solid colored terry robe, I have decided that I am going to amp it up a notch. My robes will be made of silk, but lined in flannel. I want to have gorgeous colorful patterns that remind me of fall, winter and spring, so when Im stuffing my face there will be a small reminder of the importance to have the shape of a woman, and not Mr potato head. No guarantee that the silhouette you once donned over the summer will return, but remember ladies, one size fits all, so plenty of room for expansion!
They will have the warmth of flannel but the exterior luxury of silk. (You have to feel pretty when you're munching on doritos.) The patterns will be large over exaggerated paisley's, damasks, polka dots, and florals. They will be fun, pretty, warm and most of all COMFORTABLE! And when Spring returns, the birds start chirping, and the snow melts you will have the ability to remove the flannel lining for a comfortable summer cover up.

I hope all of you are making your way through this fall frolicking and skipping through the halls. But if you are not, grab a bag of oreos (double stuffed) throw on your beautiful silk Target robe, and plop in front of the tube to watch a new episode of CSI-Miami, and maybe even a little Oprah!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Interior designer Amanda Burdge on her favorite beds

As we approach fall there is nothing I love more than a comfy, cozy decadent bed. Beds set the tone for a bedroom. Its where the angels sing, and the sweet dreams occur. There is nothing I love more than an upholstered bed. They add a texture, depth and softness that other materials cannot achieve. Here are a few of my favs!

Enjoy those zzzzzz's, look out the window and watch those beautiful amber, gold, and pumpkin colored leaves fall to the ground, as you lay in your tousled 400 thread counts!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Is it fair to say we are in a recession? Or would our "situation" be better described as an economic meltdown caused by greedy, glutinous, money hungry pigs swallowed and consumed with insatiable affluenza? I for one do not ever recall a time where every business, big or small, was so desperate and motivated for everyones dollar. My husband and I went to the mall Saturday night. I realized that I had not been in the mall for over nine months. No need to go. They want money for all those pretty, sparkly, shiny new things. Money that I do not possess. And yet I sell pretty, sparkly, shiny new things, and I am desperate and VERY motivated to get everyones dollar too. Funny how the world works. I need money to eat (not really), pay bills (is that really necessary I paid those last month), and make sure I have enough left over for my heavenly, splendid drink of choice, dirty martini, two olives, yum! (a few hundred bucks should do.) But like so many Americans with little left over, I am unable to participate in the purchasing of pretty, sparkly new things. I have a budget and priorities to stick to. A martini and olive budget. My little martini makes all my old, tired worn out decorations look new, intoxicating (literally) and fun. And some times I wake up and find them in new places (How exciting!) So our Target Tuesday focus will be on decorative, fun and AFFORDABLE, piggy banks.

Piggy banks can be fun, flirty, practical, and decorative. My piggy banks for Target will be all those things, plus easy on the bank. *wink* I will have banks in fun shapes like stars, globes, urns and the tried and true, Mr piggy himself. To add to the fun they will have fun sayings on them like "martini budget", "maid", "allowance", "spa day", "rainy day", " I need a break", and so on. My banks will easily go with your everyday decor, and to add to the fun I will have chalkboard on the backs so you can tally your savings. How fun! And to add to that youthful nostalgia, I will offer some banks that can only be accessed by breaking them.( "I NEED A BREAK!")

My little piggys will add whimsy and fun to the everyday mundane of feeling broke. They will make you smile as you add that extra dollar AND they will produce cold hard cash! How great is that? Resourceful and efficient. Something everyone could use a little more of in this economic meltdown! Thanks for visiting us on this Target Tuesday!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tips, tricks, and blacking out.

Oh how I love goofing off and doing whatever I want. No obligations, no responsibility...

As you all know I prefer to mouth off, play hooky or be naughty, rather than to save humanity from the greater evil on the planet or GASP! do something purposeful. What can I say, I was born in the projects, south of somewhere, with a drug addicted mother and and absent father.....are you buying any of my bulls**t? Yeh, I have had some problems working on this corner, no one seems to be buying any bullsh**t these days, probably the economy. Despite my desperate attempts to dodge, shake off, and elude my audience (does anyone actually read this blog?) I have come to the conclusion I can no longer avoid and escape the ruthless tactics to cheat my attention span.

I had a strategy. A plan of sorts to swindle my way out of this obligation and responsibility. EH! I hate the word Responsibility. When I signed up for this blog, if it can be deemed worthy of such, I guess I made a pact; (though I took it with less than a grain of salt.) But I KNEW it would come to this. I KNEW that the ugly "R" word would resurface, and a decision would have to be made. But like any good designer I simply IGNORED it. Surely it will just go away on it's own, right? My husband swears by this motto, in fact lives by it! If it works for him it will certainly work for me.....But they kept coming. One after another after another, they kept coming. The emails.

Denying any of the "R" word I had a choice to make. Reply to the emails, OR simply ignore them! Yes that is a grand plan. Making decisions is easy! We will ignore them and the "R" word responsibility will just go away. Like a 10 year old watching a movie with a sexy scene my mother would say, "pillows up"! So for the past 6 months I have kept my grimy, stained pillow up to my face. Peeking out occasionally to check the weather, feed the cats and of course, go pee. After all I'd rather enjoy my pillow with, and for good reason, than sell it for $2 dollars to cranky pillow lady!!

F-I-N-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I have rejected and dismissed my obligations long enough. And I REALLY need to get this pillow cleaned! So with dragging feet, head slumped down, eyes rolling into the back of my head, and the largest, ginormous SIGH you can EVER imagine, here are some of my tips, tricks, and words of advice on design.....

1) Add stock trim to everyday cabinets. Whether you apply trim to your already existing cabinets, or off the rack cabinets for a new project, adding trim will give you a custom look for little cost.
This simple 1/2" trim on the front, upper cabinets can easily be added to glass, or solid cabinets (see bottom cabinets) This is an easy project and can be done in an afternoon.

2) Paint the inside of bookshelves and cabinets. It creates depth, and allows your accessories to pop. You can also use contact paper, or wall paper to give it a super fun pattern or texture. ( but keep accessories simple if you do this) Select a paint color or paper that compliments your existing decor. Easy to do and can be done in less than an hour

3) Mix and match hardware. GASP! you can do that? YES! You do not have to match every single finish in the house. Mix it up. It gives the house a more refined, collected look, and no so matchy. In this pic we have stainless appliances and oil rubbed knobs. Also the faucet is antique pewter.

4) Use ribbon and upholstery tacks to create a fun easy display space in a hall, kitchen, mud room, or laundry room. Ribbon and upholstery tacks can easily be found at any craft store. Use them to creat a border. You can use a little chalkboard paint, magnetic paint and cork board to put within the makeshift decorative frame. Voila! A great display for the grocery list, kids projects, To-do's and memorable pics. This pic below is not framed with ribbon but could easily be added.

5) Add buttons, trim or fringe to ready made pillows. Pillows can be purchased anywhere. (like the new line offered at Target by Amanda Burdge...*wink*) All craft stores have embellishments, thread, and needles. Pick out your favorites and sew them on. Even if you can't sew this is fail proof. ! Easy peesie, lemon squeezie. Once again, make ready mades custom with a little ingenuity. This pillow and other ideas available at

6) Vodka. Drink plenty of this and EVERYTHING looks better! It can be found at any drugstore, liqueur store, or grocery store. Offered in numerous flavors, and best paired with sprite, seltzer or anything fizzy. As a extra bonus it will make you feel warm and fuzzy, (like that old boyfriend from high school, only better!) and will make all your trumped up worries go away..poof!... like magic!

May cause dizziness, blurred vision, loss of vision, (my eyes! Where are my eyes?!Oh they are right here where I left them...) increased sweating or spitting, forgetful breathing, turning blue and puking green, floppiness, sloppiness and constant crying, amnesia, drooping eyelids, nausea, and love for foreign, germ infested, porcelain toilets. Do not operate heavy machinery while taking vodka as it is known to cause sleepwalking, eating and driving while not fully awake resulting in pregnancy, Vegas marriages, one night stands, and finally, blacking out.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Full of goats and happy soaps!

I popped on over to one of my favorite blogs on Tuesday, Monday, possibly Wednesday, it was a day of sorts, The MAAAA of pricilla. I was just coming over to see my cutie patootie Harry.

The publicist is not so bad either, but we won't let on that our true reason for coming over is to love up on those famous photos of Harry's mischief and mayhem. Unfortunately my adorable, lovely and darling Harry has been shipped off to the wolves, I mean another charming farm. I think the publicist was upset with all the attention I gave Harry. After all he was the cutest, most handsome goat.

When I popped over to reminisce on Tuesday, Monday, possibly Wednesday, what ever day, Jillian the goat was the size of the TITANIC! Ready to explode, implode or blow up, that girl was far beyond pregnant, she was knocked up. So the publicist held a little contest. What will Jillian have? A doe, a buck, or an alien. I voted alien, but then realized how dearly I missed my little Harry so I decided to vote TWINS! And not just any twins, but BLACK and WHITE twins!!

SO in honor of my little Harry, Jillian had TWINS!!! BLACK and WHITE twins!!!! Meet Emily and Jeffery

Now I know that little Jeffrey and Emily are too young to understand the magic that they have already made in their short existence. But I KNOW that my little Harry is channeling through them! Yup it is his little way of letting us know he is still here.

The publicist contacted me to let me know that Jillian had in fact had twins, and was rewarding me!! So we set are differences aside ( I was getting swag so I was on my BEST behavior) and I received my Happy Goat Soap today.
So thank-you to Jillian for channeling my dear, sweet Harry and making two more cute black and white's. And thank-you to the publicist, for sending me some Happy Goat Soap! You have made the discerning, unruly, demanding designer HAPPY! Maybe I should have a show on how to decorate for goats. Then we can feature you on goat CRIBS!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So once again I am behind on getting this TT up in a timely manner. Sorry to disappoint. I have been busy stuffing my face with deep fried, fun lovin, butter balls, with a side of sweet, sweet sugar. Maybe later I will have some mac and cheese to get my daily dose of vitamin something or other. I have also been enjoying a daily dose of my guiltiest pleasure, True Blood. Bill and Sookie are just icky sticky sweet to the point of compulsive dry heaves. And yet I still watch. I do admire her enthusiastic sass and Bill's ridiculous, over keen and methodical devotion. EH! And that crazy Maryann creature! Holy cow. Those eyeballs that she enforced on everyone gave me nightmares. Couldn't get them out of my head. YIKES!!

So today I need a prescription of pleasing and enchanting to get theses unpleasant heebie jeebies out of my mind. That prescription comes in the form of one of my favorite cooking essentials. Aprons. Not those long over the head stupid aprons. Im talking about the cute, 1950's gingham and ruffles, around the waste with HUGE pockets, aprons. I love this style of apron. Fun, flirty and oh so sexy in the kitchen with a side kissed honey.

This apron is compliments of Annie G's. Her website is My aprons will be similar to this but with more fabric and bigger pockets!

My aprons will consist of several fabrics. Almost like a quilt, but better. They will have gingham checks, florals, plaids, and strips all combined together in perfect harmony. They will have ruffles. Some will have them on the sides some on the bottom. And some will have ruffles on both the side and bottom. The materials will all be 100% cotton so they will be easy to clean and gain that worn-in, used vintage look. The tie around the waist will be approximately 2" thick and will be long enough to wrap entirely around your waist and back to the front to make the perfect, delightful bow. There will be pockets in the front large enough for comfort, utensils and any objects you will need close at hand. One size will fit all but there will be so many choices to choose from in style and colors you may need to buy two or three!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

To be or not to be GREEN

The new buzz in the industry ( to consider yourself cool, fashionable, up to date, and twenty first century. Eh! who needs all that!) is to be a GREEN designer. Now when I graduated from school I was called GREEN. Not because I was nauseous, queasy and puking on everything, ( although that would have made me more memorable) but rather green to the field of Design. Some even called us the "green peas". I still find some industry's use this term, but GREEN has taken on a rather contemporary, hip meaning in the industry of design.

I have struggled with this kitchy trend, defying the odds that like computers this would simply go away. But the rebels have taken control of the capitol. They have created a revolution with guerrilla force tactics and these GREEN terrorists have plowed their way into the industry with insurgent force. I suppose I will take my head out of the sand, and come to terms with all this...eventually.

Shipping container morphed into and easy to move, inexpensive housing option

For those of you who follow my blog (the greatest, most spectacular blog written by the most intelligent woman in the world) you know that I challenge, defy, and revolt against many things. Thats what intelligent people do. Intelligent people like me. (Im telling you computers won't last.) GREEN has definitely been one of them. I have challenged this concept since day one. One of my bestest girlfriends, who has been in the industry for 23 years, was GREEN the moment she opened her first shop in 1986. Talk about a non-conformist, she created her own little mutiny in downtown Sacramento, California. She embarked on a path that was unorthodox, innovative and became a pioneer when being a GREEN designer wasn't cool; such a rebel! To this day I still tell her it won't last and she is a hippie. (this coming from the "intelligent" one of course)

Shipping containers packed together to create housing developments and communities.

Now Im not TOTALLY opposed to the idea of being GREEN. Although I REFUSE to use Fluorescent light bulbs. I do try to apply GREEN principles to all my designs. But living in Nashville, I find that few actually know what GREEN means, other than a spectacular paint color. Surrounded by a hillbilly nation they are already close to GOD. We are, after all, engulfed in the bible belt. Drive down ANY street and you will easily count 20-30 churches, side by side, offering GOD, in all his glory and grace. Case in point: My hubby and I own a slice of heaven on Kentucky Lake. I want to build a prefab GREEN house on the property. The builder says " now mam, we's can build ya anything ya like, but do you really want to waste your lake property on a green house? Cant you keep your plants at home?" No joke. I think my builder had HIS head in the sand next to me.

Shipping containers packed together to create school housing dorms.

Being in the elbow of the world, we call "the south" where everything is 85% saturated fat, loaded with sugar (love me some sugar!), add some butter (it makes EVERYTHING taste better), smatter, batter and deep fried, (we even consider mac and cheese to be a vegetable) I think it is safe to say that GOD, in all his glory and grace, will find the strength to forgive us, or just zap us with a heart attack. GOD had granted us amnesty here in the south. I don't make the rules I just enjoy the benefits. SO unless this GREEN stuff your talking about goes on the walls, feeds my plants, or shoots a deer, I will assume it is a lost cause.

illy coffee products commissioned an architect to build portable, easy to use coffee shacks that open and
set up coffee cafes in 90 seconds.

In honor of my hillbilly nation, close to GOD, deep fried, deer hunting neighbors I am posting about a new GREEN concept that is SWEEPING the nation. Shipping Containers. With the surge of foreclosure, limited space, and need for cheaper options, shipping containers are the wave of the future.( Could it be possible that I took my head out of the sand in time to be ahead of the curve? Don't be crazy that's not what INTELLIGENT people do! HA!)

Entire communities, apartments, condos, vacation homes and illy portable coffee shacks are popping up everywhere. They are super duper strong, easy to manipulate, and cheap. And for the south, perfect for a meth lab. So enjoy the pics, learn something and when you are done, head on down to the south for some deer jerky, mac and cheese, boiled peanuts and fried mayonnaise balls, with all the money you are saving it will be a feast!