
Monday, June 8, 2009

The queen of clutter and bibles

Mrs X's Kitchen before
Mrs X's Kitchen after
Mrs X's Dining room before
Mrs X's Dining after

As a designer I am often invited into peoples homes that are, lets say for tact, undesirable decorating disasters, or as I like to call them UDD's. Hence the reason for my my being there. I often overlook these minor indiscretions because I am there to make magic! Change the way you live, and change your outlook; with super women herself as my partner I take down the world in it's orbit and change everyones "ugly" one space at time! After all I am a DESIGNER, a mystical, creative, creature; the thing legends are made of ....or at least that is what I tell myself.

One afternoon I received a call. Her name, Mrs X. Im looking for a new lease on life. I need change, and you can give it to me! Well of course I can. Im a DESIGNER, I have the business card to prove it!

The house was a disaster. I soon learned that Mrs. X was the Queen of clutter and BIBLES. How many Damn bibles can one person own? Does GOD have something different to say in each one? Have her sins been redeemed merely for owning this many bibles? Does she have one for each 7 deadly sins, for which she obviously over counted? Maybe she has reduced guilt with each proof of purchase.

Perplexed and a bit overwhelmed I got to work. She needed change and ORGANIZATION. Where to start? With GOD of course! We donated the books to charity and the local churches.
We threw away 10 years of unnecessary instant gratification purchases. And just when I thought we would see the light of day.....another damn bible would surface. This woman had industrial strength BIBLE envy, or one hell of a sales man at Lifeway! Either way, one bible is sufficient and I don't think HE will think any less if you ONLY own one!

A year has gone by since I helped out Mrs X. She recently invited me over to review a new set of house plans. I was delighted for the opportunity. As a gag gift I brought her a jar of "wash away your sins" soap. Easy to use, reduces guilt, and who couldn't see the added value of it's convenient size? We giggled in laughter. So proud and glorious, with my DESIGNER flag flying high I felt victorious and over joyed. After all I am a DESIGNER, a mystical, creative, creature; the thing legends are made of ....

I reviewed the new built-in pantry. It was fabulous. But I felt we needed it a bit larger. Before I could make that decision I needed to take stock of all her beautiful antique china. "Oh no need to go in there" she tells me. Hmmmm.....really?? Why? So I snuck into Mrs X's current china pantry only to guessed it; a stack of freshly bound, still in wrappers, new bibles. In all shapes and sizes. Apparently my road to recovery will be a long, and sinful one!


  1. THe after is amazing and beautiful. i love it. I so need some help here. I bet I haVe the queen of clutter
    see you do the the sits too.

  2. Well just look at your fancy blog design and BEAUTIFUL design skills!! Wow, I envy you so much! I SUCK at decorating... No really, I do!

    Want to come fix up my place?! :) Ok, I'm off to search your blog for some tips!!

    Thanks for popping by my blog today!

  3. The after pictures are gorgeous. I enjoyed my visit here tonight, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  4. Wowowowow you did a magnificent job! You're so talented!

  5. OMG...I am Laughing so hard!! Such a funny story...somethings you just can't change! Love the magic you pulled outta your hat on that one!! It looks GREAT!!!
    Can't wait to see more...I'm hooked! ;O)

  6. Wow!! Wow!! Oh I'm speechless. This is my first visit, and wow! What a fantastic post to land on. Such a transformation. Love your to see more! :)

  7. Awesome Blog...Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Have a Great Week!

  8. Wow, beautiful!

    I also need more organization in my life.

  9. Hahaa...Has Mrs X seen your blog?:)
    You have a lovely blog and it shows that you must be an awesome designer.

    Just come in from sits. Thanks for your kind words on mine :)

  10. Please tell me that wasn't a vinyl tablecloth in the before kitchen picture?! Those should be outlawed!

  11. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Kind of interesting that your an Interior Designer/Decorator .. I've always had an interest in that. Looking forward to browsing your blog :)


  12. This is fabulous! I love before-and-after pictures!

  13. Just popped by from Sits! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Adding you to my blogroll. I absolutely adore what you did with this house, you're clearly very talented!

  14. I so love the changes you made!! Even something as simple as clearing away the clutter and a little paint made a HUGE difference!! Thanks for the ideas....."someday" I'll have a home of my own...

  15. What a transformation! That looks great!!

  16. love the chandelier in the dining room!

  17. What a funny story! The afters are fabulous! =D

  18. Continue to encourage her to give them away! Your design skills are beautiful. I could use some help! Maybe you should set up online consultations. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier in the week!

  19. Wow! I am glad you could give some of the Bibles away. Hopefully they will be a blessing to many people. You did a great job!

  20. Amanda, (thanks for the blog header inspiration by the way, I'm totally thrilled) is your client okay with you saying these things about her, entertaining as it is for us :) You are so funny!!

    Gorgeous room by the way!

  21. Amanda, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. What a treat it was to come visit you and see your amazing decorating talent! Mrs. X's house looks fantastic!!!!

  22. I want that kitchen. It's gorgeous! Well, okay actually I want A kitchen, but when I have one, I want it to look like that!

  23. Besides Bibles being priceless some of them fetch a real pretty penny @ auctions sometimes... Love the before and afters. God bless! ;o)

    My best, Lynn
    *especially liked the two separate prints for the dining room chairs.

  24. It's very funny what we "designers" find in peoples homes. It is part of what makes our job interesting...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog as well.
