
Saturday, June 20, 2009

D. All of the above

For those of you who frequent my blog you are aware of my post, MY life on the D list. If you haven't read it not only are you missing out on THE greatest post ever, but that means Im SERIOUSLY lacking in sympathy and support points. I was so inspired by all my SITSta (and non SITSta) remarks that I have decided to embark on a journey, a rally of sorts that will be of colossal and enormous proportions!!!

I am announcing my new TARGET Tuesday's!! Every week until somebody pays attention to me ( insert sad pitiful, feel-sorry-for-me-face or DAMMIT GIVE ME MY OWN LINE FACE!!!!! Which ever works first), I will be posting about all the reasons, with your support, love and encouragement, why I should have my own line at TARGET.

a) creative
b) inspiring
c) affordable
D) All of the above

Some of you may think Im crazy. (but really, who ever got anywhere with being sane!) I have admitted to having holes in my head; but that won't stop me. A household name I am not, (MILEY CYRUS!!!!!!!!!!) but I can design, implement, and sell a product to which I am more than QUALIFIED to do. I am determined and motivated to prove that it does not take a celebrity name to create a successful line. I don't sing, dance or sell million dollar records. But I can produce a product that everyone will appreciate and enjoy. Yes, this ideal may seem absurd. It may be foolish to think that a small scale, low key designer like myself can make a movement of this magnitude. However, like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. So Im going to put on my big girl panties, let my designer flag fly high, and dont forget ladies, to put on your pearls!


  1. You're an inspiration to me! You will do it for sure! I share your vision...let's roll!

  2. Count me in as a supporter!! I would say that I would boycott Target until you got your own line...but I don't have the will power!! I LOOOOOOOVE Target!!

  3. Since I am Target's biggest fan, and one of your fans of course, I think you would make a great team. So, what's the pitch? Don't just blog about it girl. Get in there and knock on their door. You can do it!
    I only have a $700. credit limit on my Target account, so keep it reasonable will you? Good Luck!

  4. I support, I support!! Based on what I have seen and read on your blog so far you should have no problem. Wish we had target in Canada :(

  5. I love it! That's thinking outside the box. Add that to the list of reasons you should have your own line at Target.

  6. I think that's an awesome idea!

  7. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!! To all of you, I am trully inspired, encouraged and overwhelmed. Together with such incredible support we shall rally, and conquer.

  8. Why settle for Target??? I mean, you can do better. I do like Target, but some of their stuff is kinda cheap looking. You are out of their league!!

  9. You should defiantly have a line at Target, they would be lucky to have you. Is there a petition or something we should start and send to Target head quarters?? Thanks for stopping by SITSta :)

  10. Well you certainly have the right attitude to do this and much more! Good luck :)

  11. Great attitude! Good luck on getting your line in Target! Great stuff!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! SITS!

  12. I LOVE how you think! And because you have such focus and determination, YOU will be in Target, girlfriend. YOU WILL! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  13. You go girl!!!! And we'll be able to say....we knew her when...

  14. Hi Amanda! Thank for stopping by The Glen...what a lovely site and beautiful design!!!

  15. Thanks so much for stopping by! I love your site :)

  16. I support you so much I will gladly accept free samples.

  17. Haha. I will make it a point to take care of ALL my SITStas!! TARGET here we come!!!!!!

  18. I like your designs, so I would probably buy something. Great attitude!! Go get'em tiger!!

  19. That is just the right attitude! You will make it. You will. I just know!!! :)

  20. Woo-hoo-- Sounds like a perfect start to me!

    I'll be looking forward to reading next weeks Target Tuesday! =)

  21. I don't think your idea is crazy. You should always aim for what you want and never stop until you hit your TARGET! Take it from me, when I was fifteen, I dreamed with having a phone in my house, or electricity, or running water... today, I dream with publishing my own novel. If you go back in time and tell that to 15-year-old Magaly, she would probably tell you "what a crazy idea!" But is not so crazy, is it?

    Keep on trying a let us know how we can help!

  22. I'd totally go for your Target line! :) I say keep at it!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment. :)

  23. I would absolutely buy your Target line!! I love your stuff!

  24. good luck! i don't shop target because the closest one is 45 minutes away!
